Skin looking less than flawless? Or are you just bored? What better time is there to have a facial night!? Here are my picks for a relaxing and effective facial certain to get your fabulous face in tip top condition.
1. Start by softening your skin by draping a warm (don't burn yourself! test the temperature!) washclothe over your face for a few minutes. This will help to open your pores so that you will get better results.
2. Cleanse your face using a gentle oil free cleanser such as Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. It is definitely important that you use something that is not going to irritate your skin, especially when using it along with a bunch of other products. Plus, cetaphil is an excellent make-up remover and will never dry your skin out!
3. Grab an exfoliater (be careful if you have a sunburn!) such as MAC's Volcanic Ash Exfoliater. This will help remove the build up of dead skin that often causes blemishes and dull complexions.
4.Apply mask of your choice, I suggest Elemis' Herbal Lavender Repair Mask for those needing a boost in their complexion or clearer skin. For those struggling with dry skin, try Chanels Destress hyrdrating Gel mask. Both are absolutely amazing. Keep your mask on for about 15 minutes.
5. Remove mask with a warm, wet towel. When skin has dried, use an alchohol free toner on your skin such as Neutrogena Alcohol free toner.
6. Remember to use an oil-free moisturizer! Even if you have oily skin moisturizing is an essential step. You actually produce MORE oil if you do not moisturize your skin. Try Cliniques Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel, its a great lighter alternative to their lotion for the summer!